Theofilidi Anthi – Movement/ Dance
με ξένους και Έλληνες χορογράφους όπως Αγγελική Στελλάτου, Νατάσα Ζούκα, Αντιγόνη Γύρα, Φρόσω Κορρού, Ελισάβετ Πλιακοστάθη, Άρτεμις Λαμπίρη, Σάνια Στριμπάκου, Σοφία Κονδυλιά, Χρυσάνθη Μπαδέκα, Νατάσα Παπαμιχαήλ, Παναγιώτη Αργυρόπουλο, Μαρία Μηλιοπούλου, Ναντη Γώγουλου, Κατερίνα Ανδριοπούλου, Νive Shenfild, Maya Carroll, Willi Dorner κ.α.
Anthi Theofilidis is a graduate of the MORIANOVA-TRASTA professional dance school. She studied for a year at Nellis Karras ARHI Drama School and studied with a scholarship at the Rubin Academy of Dance {BA} in Israel. She works as a dancer-performer, choreographer and dance teacher.
As a dancer-performer she has participated in festivals in Greece and abroad, she has collaborated with the Greek National Opera, the Megaron The Athens Concern Hall, the Onassis Stegi, the Kakogiannis theater, etc and with foreign and Greek choreographers such as Angeliki Stellatou, Natasa Zouka, Antigoni Gyra, Frosso Korrou, Elisavet Pliakostathi, Artemis Lampiri, Sania Stribakou, Sofia Kondylia, Chrysanthi Badeka, Natasa Papamichael, Panagioti Argyropoulo, Maria Miliopoulou, Nanti Gogoulou, Katerina Andriopoulou, Nive Shenfild, Maya Carroll, Willi Dorner etc..
Participation in Andrej Boleslavsky’s VR project, entitled “Weightless” (contemporary dance in a VR environment), choreographed by Chrysanthi Badekas, under the auspices of the Onassis Stegi. The research object of the project was the effect of gravity on movement, which is why the rehearsals were carried out underwater.
Participation as a performer in the EK PLIXI action for four consecutive years with the productions The circus that slept, My own fish, in the land of Wherehowwhy, Truth or Dare, which was started by the choreographer Antigoni Gyra with the aim of children, in schools, to get to know the language of dance theater.
She participated in the long-term Residency at Lo Studio (Switzerland) curated by Kinitira artistic residency center and with the support of Prohelvetia and in Kinitira’s Residency Femininity in transition, in collaboration with Machol Shalem dance house in Israel.
As a dance teacher, she has delivered seminars and free lessons in contemporary dance, improvisation and partnering at the professional dance school Marianova-Trasta, at DANCCE (preparation for admission to professional dance schools), at Kinitira artistic residency center (main partner), at HoroChrono (departments preparation – pre-professional-professional), at the dance school AKTINA (preparation department), at the amateur dance school Morianova-Charalampi, at the dance school The art on dance, at the Technourgeio studio, at the drama schools Iasmos, Embros and Theodosiadis, etc. She has taught physical theater at the Theater Department of the University of Patras, as an assistant to the Theater de Complicite actor, Kostas Filippoglou.
As a choreographer, he has collaborated with directors such as Sofia Vgenopoulou (Teenage Stage National), Dimitris Kanelos, Petros Zoulias, with the Angels of Joy, with the director Yannis Moschos in the following productions, To Koureli, Exercises for strong knees, With the teeth (Theatre Koun), Betrayal (Piraeus Municipal Theatre) Funny stories about mortality (Athens Festival 2014, 2015), All my children (Emporikon Theatre), The City of Anagnostaki (Athens Festival 2018), A house bright as day (National Theater ) etc.
She has staged her own shows such as: “Ocean” at the Olvio theater, “In 2 3 minutes” at the Tavrou wrestling club, etc. In recent years, she has been training in the individual sport of freestyle wrestling, researching its kinetic correlation with modern dance.