Korrou Froso – Director / Movement/ Dance
She studied classical and contemporary dance at the Higher School of Orchestral Art and then at the University of Paris VIII St. Denis from where she received her master’s degree in “Performing Arts”.
She is a founding member of the company So7 (www.so7.gr) with which she has so far created the shows: Management of self-images (Theatro Entropia 2004), How do you live, well or better? (Dipylon Theater 2008), What shall we do now? (7th of April, 2011), Leader (Badminton Theater 2011), Civil Disobedience (Mihalis Kakogiannis Foundation, 2012), The End of the World” (Bios 2012 – in the framework of the international MYBE program), R.I.P Romeos Ioulietta Panta (Bios 2014, Festival Athens 2014, New World Theater 2015), Palimpedest Friday (New World Theater, 2015), Out of Bounds (Ilisia – Volanakis Theater, 2016 – 2017), A Dog They Called Frick (Ilisia – Volanakis Theater 2016-2017 and The Tabernacle Theater , London, 2019), Parables (musical performance with Dimitra Papiou – El convent, 2018), Striptease (2018 – 2019) For a moment Angels (site specific performance 2018) Pages of Love Literature (Faust, Bar – Theater – arts 2019) and Athens Escape Route: Digital Treasure Hunt (2020) in collaboration with the Culture Network of the Municipality of Athens Athens Culture Net.
She has choreographed and edited the movement in the shows Misery at the Ilisia – Volanakis Theater (directed by Takis Tzamargias), Prometheus Bound and Philoctetes at the Ancient Theater of Epidaurus, The Seagull at the Thision Theater, Tirza: the Queen of the Sun and The Paper Flowers at the Ilisia Theater and Alice in Wonderland at DIPETHE Kalamata (dir. K. Filippoglou), My God, what have we done to you? at the Gloria theater and Sorry… I’m Greek at the Bretania theater (dir. L. Lazopoulos), Thesmophoriazusas at the Ancient Theater of Epidaurus (dir. S. Hatzakis), The disease of youth at the KTHBE and In the light of night in Mikri Epidaurus (dir. P. Zouni), Arden from Feversham at the School Theater dir. M. Moumouris, The Old Lady’s Visit at the Bretania Theatre, Timon of Athens at the Contemporary Theatre, Who Killed the Dog at Midnight (dir. Lea Maleni, THOK), Rena (dir. Nikaiti Kontouri, Piraeus Municipal Theatre), The Great Walk of Petros and Orphans (dir. Takis Tzamargias) at KTHBE, Not for Nightingales, Much Ado About Nothing and The Night of the Iguana at the Argo Theater and Whispers at the Athens Theater (dir. Al. Cohen) as well as the performances of Stamatis Kraunakis with SPIRA – SPIRA between 2002 – 2007, Biberos, Wednesday’s Rendezvous, Doulares in Athenaida and Choirs in Mikri Epidaurus among others.
She has signed the artistic supervision of the Thessaloniki Song Festival 2005, the Platonos 08 concerts at Irodeion and Sabotage+ at Pallas, the Ring show at the Ilisia Volanakis theater and at Miaoulia Festival in 2018 and 2019.
Course description
Through techniques of European modern theater and dance, the importance of the body in the interpretation of the actor is approached. The body is practiced in exploring and perfecting its means of expression. Without imposing the titles of movements, such as physical theater or performance, the teaching is multidisciplinary: it remains open to the stimuli of the time, it uses basic elements of dance but without specific dance styles, it insists on the importance of acting and not on the achievement of a simple dance skill. The result is to focus on how the body helps approach, master and better perform a role. Through the application of the techniques taught, students are challenged to transform systematized knowledge into creative initiative. Cultivating aesthetics alongside technique trains students to be creators and not just performers.