Galeos Antonis – Dramatology/ Theater History/ History of Modern Greek Literature
He graduated from the Department of English Language and Literature of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and has fulfilled postgraduate studies at Claremont Graduate University in the field of Literary Theory and at the University of East Anglia in the field of Theater Directing. He is doing a PhD study on Rhetorical Acting at Royal Holloway, University of London.
He has translated and adapted one hundred and forty plays for the professional theater including: Angels in America by Tony Kushner, Le 20 Novembre by Lars Noren, Suddenly Last Summer, Glass Menagene, A Streetcar Named “Desire” by Tennessee Williams, Taming of the Shrew Lars Von Trier’s Waves, Pam James’ Piaf, James Joyce’s Exiles, Caryl Churchill’s Dr. Schreber’s Nervous Disease and Drunken Thoughts to Say I Love You, Gertrude Stein’s Not Sightly Pictures, Stephen King’s Misery, 4.48 Psycho by Sarah Kane, Wit by Margaret Edson. He has directed, among others, Le plus heureux le trois by Eugene Lampis and Edmond Godinet, Fucking Men by Joe Di Pietro, The Events by David Greig, The Ghost exits by Philip Roth (Rhetorical Installation at the National Museum of Modern Art).
He was a member of the theater grants committee. He collaborated as the Head of archaeological research for the “River of Time” section of the opening ceremony of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.
Course description
The course aims to acquaint students with researching the periods of playwriting through their historical, anthropological and artistic sources. Students are introduced to terms and tools of theater research and active analysis and learn to apply them to action against the process of theater creation in practical presentations.
Through the careful study of theatrical texts from all periods of theatrical literature, as well as theoretical positions on them, they learn to distinguish and define the differences between the styles proposed by different literary, philosophical and aesthetic movements of the theater and to analyze fundamental parameters, necessary in a rehearsal, such as agency, conflict, objective circumstances, character arc, and action arc. Finally, they acquire a methodology that allows them to constantly and systematically update themselves on new developments in the field of playwriting and contemporary performing arts. The dramaturgy course is taught student-centered, with the logic of a theater rehearsal.
Literature – History of Literature
This course introduces students to the actor’s ongoing relationship with the tools of literary research and their use by the actor and theater person in general. Diving into specific topics of novel and poetry writing, such as beginning/middle/end, character illusion, atmosphere and style, meter, metaphor and unfamiliarity, we will focus on how to shake the patina of philological analysis from the study of literary kinds, so that the actor is equipped with means that will support him in his theatrical research. During the year we will combine theoretical presentations, student presentations on specific literary works and their re-readings, as well as written assignments on specific works and movements. We will end up with the group writing of a textbook on the history of modern Greek literature. The aim is to structure a research methodology which can dynamically enrich the rehearsal.